Infection Music Limited
Electronic Musical Instruments

Founded in 2003, Infection Music produce electronic musical instruments for amateur and professional musicians in need of quirky, fun, interesting and dynamic tools for use either in the recording studio or out on the road.

After a prolonged period away from manufacturing, we're now embarking on a new set of projects, which we hope will be of interest to a new generation of musicians.

ZEIT / ATEM Step Sequencers

Our past products include the highly regarded ZEIT and ATEM step sequencers. Only a very limited number of these sixteen step, eight channel sequencers were ever produced.

However, we've developed a new CPU board that will restore functionality to failed units and rebuilt one of the original desktop units using new and improved electronics more than twenty years after the original project was first announced.

Zyra Workstation

Zyra is our new baby. What is it? What isn't it? So far it's a Digital synthesiser, a sampler, a sequencer and so much more.

Watch this space.

Digital Polyphonic Synthesiser

More voices, more algorithms, improved filters and better effects. Plasma advances to the beta-test

Latest Updates

  • 14-Feb-24: Valentine's Day Greetings

    Something special... The first ZEIT desktop sequencer we've put together in a decade.

    Please visit the News page for more information.

  • 05-Dec-24: News

    Significant changes to the ZEIT Eco-System. (Don't worry. It's good!)

    Please visit the News page for more information.

  • 17-Nov-24: News

    Important news for beta-testers and customers

    Please visit the News page for more information.

  • 17-Sep-24: Web page issues

    We attempted to migrate our web pages to a new provider three weeks ago. The transfer has not gone at all well. At least one of our domains ( is caught in some kind of electronic limbo. is working but is presently interrupted by a warning that the site isn't secure and that scammers may be attempting to steal your data. They're not. Our new host is taking an age and a half to generate the necessary SSL authenticity certificate for the domain registration.

    Not pleased.

  • 02-Sep-24: Software release 02-12

    Version 02-12 of the ZEIT firmware has been released and is currently with beta-testers.

    Release 02-14 should go out the door shortly. Anyone who has not given a firm commitment to buying a replacement CPU board should do so now.

    (They're won't be a release 02-13. I'm not at all superstitious but... some people are. If there is a version 02-13 then it will be an internal release only...)

  • 29-Jul-24: Software release 02-11

    I still have a large number of bugs to resolve and rectify, as well as a very long and very detailed Quality Assurance document to work through but I'm optimistic that Version 02-11 of the ZEIT software will be delivered to beta-testers within the next couple of weeks.

    Another batch of bare CPU boards arrived last week. Those should be ready to go out the door by the end of August, once I've fixed as many bugs as possible and given the boards a full burn in.

  • 17-Jun-24: News page

    Changed the format of the News page so that we can post more information in a clearer and more comprehensive style.

  • 14-Jun-24: Software Release 02-10

    ZEIT Version 02-10 was released into the wild earlier this month. We expected one or two issues but so far, so good, as they say. Quietly pleased.

  • 25-May-24: New Product : Zyra

    We're delighted to announce a new product, Zyra.

    See the News page for more information.

  • 16-Apr-24 : Software Release 02-10

    Something of a milestone today - I finished the last remaining module for the ZEIT Replacement CPU Boards. It's taken two and a half years to get this far. Beta-testing begins next week and should last two to three weeks.

    See the Blog page for more information.

  • 14-Mar-24 : Software Release 02-10

    Software version 02-10 is nearing release. Whilst this release will be close, it won't be the final version for the new CPU boards. I've updated the list of those features that won't appear in the 02-10. Don't worry. It's not that big...

    See the News page for more information.

  • 11-Mar-24 : i/o Boards

    I put together four of the new i/o boards last week - two switch boards and two potentiometer boards - and they all worked first time.

    See the News page for more information.

  • 04-Mar-24 : i/o Boards

    The re-worked i/o boards for the re-engineered ZEIT sequencers arrived last week. They're a perfect fit. Even better, I tested these boards against a couple of Thonk's 10K 9mm pots and they're also a perfect fit.

    See the News page for more information.

  • 16-Feb-24 : New products

    Whilst this has not been an easy month, I managed to snag some time between hospital visits to work on a couple of new projects.

    More details to come.

  • 10-Feb-24 : Delays

    Once again, we're behind schedule on delivery of the next round of CPU boards. The delay was caused by circumstances entirely beyond our control - a member of our team spent some time in hospital.

  • 19-Jan-24 : Updates

    Full speed ahead. Hope you're having a good January. Click below for information on current projects, a couple of overdue re-designs and our on-going sample library project.

  • 01-Jan-24 : Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to all of our customers.

  • December 2023 : Web Pages

    We're updating the web site. This version has been re-designed from the ground up and should (hopefully) load on all modern browsers. If it doesn't then please let us know.

    Similarly, we're updating the web site for our partner operation, Unreal Devices. That work isn't quite sorted yet. It should be completed in the next couple of days.

  • December 2023: Backup & Restore

    With the installation of a new CPU board, ZEIT finally has a proper backup and restore utility. At the moment, these programs are stand-alone applications that you will be able to download from the IML web site and then load into the sequencer using the Arduino IDE. This isn't the ideal solution and we plan on embedding the same functionality within software release 02-10, which we hope to release before the New Year.

Contact Infection Music

You can contact Customer Services by clicking here.

Please note that Customer Support hours are Monday - Thursday : 0830 - 1730, Friday : 0830 - 1330.

The Customer Support Office is closed Saturday & Sunday, and all major holidays.

Notice : Our staff have a right to do their work in a safe environment free from violent, threatening and abusive behaviour. If you do not respect the rights of our staff we may make arrangements for you to be removed from our customer list. In addiiton, we may choose to inform the Police. Abuse against staff online is treated as seriously as offline abuse. The company does not provide services for customers with a history of, and ongoing risk of violence.